Food for Thought

It is better to trust and be disappointed once in awhile than to distrust and be miserable all of the time.

-Abraham Lincoln


Sunday, June 20, 2010

Seth Clinton Cunningham

WARNING!! This blog will contain extreme baby content. Please proceed only if you wish to possibly experience proud parent overload and biased opinions.

Seth and Em

As many of you know, we celebrated a new addition to the Cunningham Family - Seth Clinton Cunningham. I know, the name isn't Noah....but Emily made the mistake of asking me for the official name moments after his birth. I could have been greedy and attempted "Louie Sakoda Cunningham" but I decided to go with a name we had in our top 2. My real naming plan was simple : If it was a chubby kid who looked like a pushover, it would be Noah. If it was a kid that looked like he would be a handful, it would be Seth. His first few minutes confirmed it was the right choice.

Daddy's Little named for his sweet little gloves

The overall labor experience went much better that we could have hoped, with Emily only having to push through 4 contractions once she was properly dilated. While risking too much information (and possibly a punch from my wife), she actually did a practice push prior to our Doctor arriving and the nurse had to stop her quickly when the top of Seth’s head started to pop out.
There are many more stories to go along with the birth and subsequent days but I seriously doubt most people reading this would truly care. Parents tend to think everything related to their kid is amazing/fascinating to other people but in reality, its not. This doesn’t stop me from being extremely proud and borderline weepy when Seth had a bowel movement after 36 hours of nothing but it keeps me from sharing even more of the story. Instead, I will just leave a bunch of pictures and video for you to enjoy. Side Note – Seth is the cutest baby I have ever seen….and I am unbiased. Emily agrees.
He was 7 pounds 12 ounces, and was 19 1/2 inches long.
No, I am not really a Royals Fan but I like the shirt.

Aunt Char and Seth. Yes, we are related. We both get asked that all the time.

Jon and Bri. This duo brought us Subway and conversation. Both very needed.

Poor Emily's home for 2 days.

Seth had a cone head for a few days, but I mainly wanted to show the side part that Bri gave him. Thanks Bri.

Aunt Kaylyn and Grandpa David. Seth is already as tall as Kaylyn.

One of the first times I held Seth. Notice how snugly I am holding him, think I was afraid of dropping him?

Me watching TV. Poor Em got to watch the World Cup while in labor....and ever since.

Bri, Coney and Jon's hands.

Another Aunt Char and Seth. For some reason, all of her shots turned out well while the rest look like they were taken during an earthquake. Char must be photogenic...or I suck at taking pictures.

I love this shot, Em and her son. Both did amazing.

Nana C and Seth. I have a suspicion she managed to sneak him sugar without me seeing.

Grandpa C and Seth. Looks like Seth already had more hair than you...I know baldness jokes are easy but I can't resist.

Me and Seth. My hand looks huge.

This is one that Em will probably get mad that I put up but I think they both look beautiful.

The Seth Team. She had the baby, I ate all the complimentary ice cream and diet Coke I could find in the "nourishment room".

No, those are not my legs. This is Em holding Seth at home. He is drowning in that bib.

This was his face shortly after delivery. His face was somewhat swollen.

Proud Dad and Utah Seth at his first Pediatrician's appointment. I think that look on his face was left over from his rectal tempature check.

My baby is cuter than yours. Admit it.

Seth shortly after birth. No, he didn't come out with the hat already on.

Mom and Baby. Baby pooping while mom holds him.

Mom being awesome with her little boy. He is a lucky kid.



LuAnn said...

I think you must be the proudest papa I have ever seen. He is really cute. Congratulations! Glad all of you are doing well. Happy 1st Father's Day!

fauxy said...

What a gorgeous, gorgeous baby (in a manly, boyish way of course)! And I still talk about my baby like everyone cares and I'll continue to do so. Welcome to the best part of your lives! So happy for you all. Glad Em and Seth are happy and healthy, even if not well rested. Can't believe all that kid's hair!!

Kristi said...

Congrats!! He is SUCH a handsome little man! Glad all went well. Enjoy the sleepless nights... :) Also, Emily, you really do look beautiful. You guys are such a cute family!

Marcus and Amy said...

He is so precious you guys!!!! I love that hair! What a cute little guy! Congratulations! I am so glad the labor went so easy too!

Enjoy him!! They are so much fun!! I hope I can meet him one day!!

Marcus and Amy said...

Oh and I love to hear stories about friends babies - please feel free to share - if nothing else, it reminds me of when Addie was born!

Seth really is cute!

Megs, Brad, and Abbie said...

It might be a little strange how happy I feel for you guys! I can't help it though, he is such a sweet baby and clearly you are both bursting with joy and pride. I love his hair, and his little face... so adorable!

Anyway, congratulations my friends!!! Love to you both!

Heatherbether said...

Congratulations Mommy Emily! Good luck with all the will never be the same, but for the better!!!