Food for Thought

It is better to trust and be disappointed once in awhile than to distrust and be miserable all of the time.

-Abraham Lincoln


Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Misc Pictures and Commentary

It is time for another edition of my random picture and comments. Lets get this party started.

This was before her cheeks began to seperate a bit from the rest of her face. She was probably too small for the seat thingy but I enjoyed wedging her and seeing if she could squirm out.

I am often amazed at how mothers can sleep without dropping the baby. I get freaked out whenever I see Emily doze with Sloane. After Emily goes to sleep tonight, I am going to glue velcro to all of her clothes.
Get a harness or something!

Seriously, is she ever awake with Sloane? Can you bond during REM cycle? I can only imagine how freaked out she would have been if she woke up and saw me standing over her taking pictures while she slept.....awkward.

Sloane practically lives in a Mohawk. I like to think she is smiling because daddy is holding her. In actuality, she probably is just pooping.
Sloane's first bath, I already miss having her this small. When she was crying I could fit her inside a desk was perfect. Now she doesnt fit.

Seth has felt a little neglected lately so he hangs out with the one "person" who smells worse than he does.

2 generations of heart throbs.....I am going to have a breakdown when she starts dating (Sloane not Emily, though neither would cause happiness in my heart).

Sloane...90% head, 100% cute.
Family....isn't it about....Facebook?

What's that? You want a car? You got it.


It looks adorable until you realize he is ever so slowly trying to inch his way underneath her to get closer to me. Sloane would have continued sleeping through it if I hadn't noticed.

I had to add this sweetie!