Food for Thought

It is better to trust and be disappointed once in awhile than to distrust and be miserable all of the time.

-Abraham Lincoln


Sunday, August 21, 2011

Another Veggie Update

The vegetable garden is doing ok...I think. A few weeks ago I was quite discouraged because none of my plants seemed to be producing any vegetables. But I sort of forgot about the garden for about 10 days and it turns out my neglect had a positive impact on things. The next time I returned my plants seemed to be double in size. Here are some pictures from a visit about a month ago:

Lots of red hot chili peppers were sprouting on this plant! I counted over 15!

The broccoli was looking more like broccoli. But to be honest, I don't really know how it's supposed to look or when it is supposed to be ready to harvest. I'll have to do some research on that.

A good sized anaheim pepper is on its way!

I visited the garden again about a week ago and things were looking great! Pictures below of the progress:

There are now over 25 red hot chili peppers on this plant and some are finally turning red!

What was once 1 nice anaheim pepper has turned into about 10 on each plant. Growing like crazy!

Same thing for my jalepeno peppers. I have about 15 on each plant!

My tomato plants are really the most exciting for me. Last month I was frustrated because my tomato plants were the only plants in the entire community garden that didn't have a single tomato blossoming. I had a few flowers here or there but nothing was happening to them. And as I was leaving one morning, feeling depressed at being such a poor gardener, my eye caught sight of the tiniest little tomato on one of my plants. I was so elated! I didn't care if that was the only tomato that ever grew. I was happy enough just to know it produced even one!

But when I visited yesterday, I was so happy to see 7-8 tomatoes on each plant. It was a great day!

So I took some time to pick a few of the peppers that were ready yesterday. The only bad thing is that Clint and I really don't like peppers unless they are in salsa so I don't really know what to do with them since tomatos aren't quite ready to get salsa going. Any one want any? :)

PS. While I was blogging this entry, Seth unrolled an entire roll of aluminum foil. I was so devoted to this post that I just let him do it to buy me a few more minutes of time without him climbing on me. This is also why my blog posts are so few and far between.

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