Food for Thought

It is better to trust and be disappointed once in awhile than to distrust and be miserable all of the time.

-Abraham Lincoln


Thursday, July 31, 2008

I need a "Blogging for Dummies" book!

So thanks to Briana's brilliance I have finally been able to post my wedding pictures as a slideshow on our sidebar. I've literally spent HOURS trying to get something posted but have failed miserably. Briana took the time to email very detailed instructions for me and ....voi lah! Next thing I know, the slideshow is functioning! Yea!


Marcus and Amy said...

Super cute! I was out of town the day you guys got married, so I was cool to see all the pictures! Beautiful bride! I think we had the same wedding colors! Way fun, sometimes I wish I could go back and relive the day!

Jon and Briana said...

Yeah Em it looks amazing and has such cute pictures! Good work! I love it!