Food for Thought

It is better to trust and be disappointed once in awhile than to distrust and be miserable all of the time.

-Abraham Lincoln


Sunday, April 1, 2012

Kauai (Hawaii Part 2)

For the 2nd half of the week we island hopped to Kauai to visit my brother-in-law Shawn and his family. I liked this 1/2 of the trip much more than the 1st part.

Apparently roosters roam wild here. We saw them all over the place.

At Poipu Beach to snorkel and sit in the sun.

Hanging with my favorite part of the trip!

Getting ice cream!

On Saturday we all drove up to the north shore. There were a few of these one-way bridges where you just take turns driving across. You let four or five cars go and then it's your turn. Only in Hawaii could this happen. No one honks at each other. I'm not sure I ever observed any road rage. Fascinating.

Of course, if there is a bug nearby, the girls would find it and pick it up.
Shawn attempting to teach the "rookie" how to surf at Hanalei Bay.

I'm somewhere under the water....

Will I get all the way up?????

Yes. I will!

This is the best shot Clint got of me standing but I got up twice. The 2nd time I got up I rode the wave all the way to the shore. It was cool!

Fearless Heidi. She will do anything!

Clint and Shawn boogie boarding!

The sun decided to peek out at us as we were leaving Hanalei Bay.

On Sunday Clint and I went to Kapa'a and rented some bikes and rode along the shore. Best $10 we spent!

It was pretty windy as you can see from the palm trees in the background. But still fun.

There spots on the bike trail that went right alongside the cliffs of the shore.

Clint being....Clint.

After our bike ride we got some shave ice from a local shop. I have to admit, it didn't sound all that wonderful but it was so good that I didn't even think to get a picture of it until we had eaten almost the whole thing!

On our final day in Kauai, we went on a whale watching trip. These were the pictures taken by the photographer on the boat:

First whale spotted about 10 minutes into the 5 hour ride.

Spinner Dolphins

We actually saw them jump in the air and spin before going back in the water.

We went all the way up the Napali coast. The cliffs and mountains are unlike anything we had ever seen!

More whales!

I was pretty ready for this trip to be over after 5 hours...can you tell by the look on my face?

We went to Brenneke's beach that night and made fajitas and had a picnic dinner before Shawn took us to the airport. He forgot tongs for the wok so he used a stick...ha ha!

Beautiful Sunset.

A perfect way to end our trip.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

I LOVE KAUAI! It's been 11 years since I got to enjoy this wonderful island! I'd choose it over Oahu any day!